Sitemap - 2020 - Productive Flourishing

Finishing Strong Part 4: Use After Action Reviews (AAR) to Make Your Next Project Easier, Better, and More Fun

Finishing Strong Part 3: How doing CAT work helps with the next project

Finishing Strong Part 2: Make Space and Time to Transition Between Projects

Finishing Strong Part 1: Run a Victory Lap

#ThanksCovid (Episode 226)

How to Mindfully Avoid Morning Distractions

#ThanksCOVID Part 6: Introducing Our New CMO, Cory Huff

#ThanksCOVID Part 5: The App Is on the Way

#ThanksCOVID Part 4: Building on Foundations in the Academy

#ThanksCOVID Part 3: From Foundations to Working Together

#ThanksCOVID Part 2: The Future of the Anchor

Our 2020 Year in Review, aka #ThanksCOVID (First of a Series)

Best Blog Posts to Support You During the Holidays

Dark and Light

Reckonings and Gratitude

Holiday Gift Guide for Creatives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Sacred Work, Unexpected Beauty, and Honoring Yourself

Recommended Reads to Get You to the New Year

Preparing to Go All-In for the Holidays

Nir Eyal: Becoming Indistractible (Episode 225)

The Edges of Emotion

<i>Start Finishing’s</i> First Anniversary

Turning “How” Problems into “Who” Solutions

To Love or to Fear

How to Use the Five Keys to Overcome the Air Sandwich

To Feed or to Soothe Your Fear?

We Are Not Enemies

Amiel Handelsman: A Conversation About Conversations (Episode 224)

The Five Keys to Overcoming the Air Sandwich

A Meditation for Fear

The Air Sandwich: Why Your Big Picture and Day-to-Day Reality Don’t Link Up

Every Moment Is A Gift

Rachael Ridenour: Charting Your Own Map (Episode 223)

Love Notes to Lighten the Dark

To Trust That I Am Not Broken

Martha Alderson: The Universal Story (Episode 222)

Hope Is Hard

How to Balance Parent and Professional: The Start Finishing Guide to School-Time Productivity

Are You Managing Your Expectations?

Busy by Default

The Need to Help and Help Is Needed

Cara Chace: Left vs. Right Brain Thinking (Episode 221)

5 Key Ways to Identify Your New Strengths in 2020

Courageous Is Vulnerable Is Courageous

You Got This

Have You Found Unexpected Opportunities During the Pandemic?

Your Morning Joy Infusion

Where Is Your Energy?

You Don’t Find Your Purpose, You Make It

What Really Matters?

A Heart of Compassion

Is It Time to Forsake Your Goals?

Alexandra Jamieson and Bob Gower: Finding Creative Alignment (Episode 220)

Be Bold, Be Humble

What Are You Creating?

We Are Not Our History

What My Shoulder Injury Taught Me About Solving Business Problems

The Daily Anchor Becomes The Anchor

Honoring My Brain and My Heart

Love Is Always a Good Idea

Are You Worthy of Your Own Trust?

Doing Your Sacred Work

What Is Here for You to Learn?

Have You Really Honored This Pause?

Enjoyment in Every Moment

It's OK to Be OK Right Now

What Is Your Anger Telling You?

Are You Honoring Your Limits?

You Are Doing So Well

Eric Zimmer: The Connection Between Spiritual Practices and Behavior (Episode 219)

Take a Breath

Beyond Just Surviving

A Lesson from Nature

What's Behind the Fatigue?

At Home Wherever You Are

Your Morning Routine: Start Small and Stack

Midweek Meditation: Take a Mental Vacation

United in Grief

Practicing Solitude

Love Is Your True Home

Self-Care on the Front Lines and Beyond

Give Yourself the Love You'd Give a Child

Please Forgive Yourself

There Are No Negative Emotions

You Are a Miracle

Creating Hope During COVID-19 (Episode 218)

Because I Grieve

Time Out: 4 Steps for Checking In to Make Better Choices

When Do You Notice?

Self-Care Is Queen

A New Season of Uncertainty

Unexpected Beauty and Tiny Miracles

What If What You Want Is Already Here?

4 Practices to Balance Your Solo and Collaborative Work

A Strong Foundation

You Are Already Worthy

Jeff Harry: The Magic Is in Play (Episode 217)

Celebrate Your Relationship

Ask for Help Before It Hurts

Uncertainty and Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones

What Are You Taking with You?

How to Celebrate During COVID-19

You Already Are Who You Want to Be

Waves of Grief

Bring Your Fear into the Light

Success Is in Your Hands

I Love You. I Am Listening.

Abundance Is Still Available

Working with Difficult Emotions

Strength in Surrender

Are You Curious or Critical?

I See You. You Are Enough.

Crying Over Spilled Milk: How to Grieve Well and Rise Strong from Failures and Losses

Jennifer Louden: Why Bother? (Episode 216)

When the War Is Raging Inside... Choose Love

Midweek Meditation: Keep Breathing, Keep Practicing

Your Future Together After COVID-19

The Dropsies and Finding Serenity in the Pause

Make Some Old Friends

Finding Peace Within Your Four Walls

Midweek Meditation: Nama-Stay in Bed

What Are You Listening To?

Care in What You Consume


Checking OUT from Work and IN with Those You Love

Midweek Meditation: How’s Your Practice Going?

How Many Projects Is COVID-19 Creating for You?

Permission to Have a Bad Day

Messages from Nature, Creation, and Soul Work

Three Little Things to Get the Day Back on Track

Welcome to Midweek Meditation!

Daily Family Check-Ins

Self-Compassion Amidst Change Fatigue

How to Use Your GATES to Make Your Project Easier

Come Home. Deep Roots. Steady Heart.

John Jantsch: On Self-Reliance (Episode 215)

WFH Conversations with Your Partner: Different Work Hours

3 Questions to Triage What Needs to Be Done

Making WFH with Your Partner Work for You Both

What Matters Now?

Solitude, Crossing Paths, and Adaptability

When Does It Hit You?

Healing Touch in the Time of COVID-19

In Times Like These

Do It for the Love

Let's Rise Up Together

How to Stay Sane and Productive While Working from Home

How Success Packs Push Your Project to Done

How to Apply Time Blocking in a Corporate Setting

Michael Bungay Stanier: Defeating the Advice Monster (Episode 214)

The Five Projects Rule: Defining Your Best Work

How Do You Prevent Project Fatigue?

Which Forms of Courage Do You See In Yourself?

5 Questions to Make You Rethink Your New Year's Resolutions

Bryan Falchuk: The Ratio of Relationship (Episode 213)

How to Juggle Your Creative Projects Around Family Life

How Can Feedback Help You Make Better Quality Decisions?

How to Find the Right Level of Success for Your Next Project

25 Lessons in Business (After 25 Years)

4 Reasons Why Coworking Is on the Rise