Be Bold, Be Humble

What comes to mind when you hear: “Be bold. Be courageous.”?
Is it fierceness? Strength? Fortitude? An unwavering spirit? Perhaps righteousness? Perseverance?
Is it more than that? Can being bold and courageous include being kind and humble?
I think the answer to that is a BOLD YES!!
In fact, I think that for the betterment of ourselves and our world, our boldness and courage need to be interwoven with — and indistinguishable from — a kind and humble heart.
There is absolutely no reason why you cannot be kind and humble AND bold and courageous. They stand together. They are stronger together. We are stronger when we embody them all.
Stand for something. Stand for what is in integrity for you. Stand for a more peaceful and free world. Be bold and courageous.
And also keep listening. Keep learning. Be humble. Know that each and every one of us has so much to learn. Our capacity for love and learning and growth is infinite.
We are not less than or defective or wrong because we still have much to learn. We are human. We are trying. In being bold AND humble we can learn better. We can do better.
We are also not less than or defective or wrong if we have done things in the past that — with our perspective now — we regret doing or wish we could change. Alas, we cannot change the past. But, we can learn from it and we can do better. We can choose to forgive ourselves and ask for forgiveness from others and make amends — and then we must move forward.
We all have our own perspective and it comes from our life experiences. We cannot get around that. It just is. And, it is important. It shapes us. It is how we’ve become the amazing humans we already are today.
Please remember that our perspective is just that — it is our unique perspective, from our lived experience. Each of us has one.
And, in listening, truly listening and hearing, we can begin to have our eyes and hearts and minds and perspectives opened more and more.
It may be hard. It may challenge you in ways you have never been challenged. It is absolutely OK that you may feel sorrow or anger or pain or shame — or feel as if your world has been rocked to its very foundation. Because maybe it has.
Don’t pretend the challenge and upheaval isn’t there. Acknowledge it. Feel it. Sit with it. Forgive yourself and others. Ask for forgiveness. Do what you need to do and then step forward.
Can you stick with it? Can you allow yourself to keep showing up for yourself, for your neighbors, for your world and do the hard, uncomfortable work of being bold and courageous and kind and humble?
We are in need of more people showing up with a heart of boldness and courage AND a heart of humility and kindness. We can be part of making this world a more peaceful, safe, equitable home for us all. We each deserve no less.
How will you show up with a bold and humble heart?