You Got This

Last week I shared about one of the biggest gifts I’ve gotten from this year of COVID: an ability to focus more of my energy on the things that really matter. I’ve been able to let go of a lot of things that don’t matter as much and focus my limited, precious energy on what truly matters to me.
Today I want to share with you another transformative realization that’s been brewing on the backburner over the last six months or so, but that finally came to the forefront for me over this past weekend. I say it’s been brewing on the backburner as when it finally arrived fully in all its glory recently I realized that I’d been feeling nudges and hints of it for a while now.
As with many important learnings: it took its own time to be fully revealed + I’m still working on my tendency to do/learn in HARD mode. ;-)
While I can proudly say I am generally much less of a worrier than I once was and anxiety doesn’t plague my days anymore (oh, it’s still there at times, but not as much), for much of my life I was a “what if”-er and worrier. I knew that one day there was going to be something that would come my way that I couldn’t handle.
Whether it would unravel me, actually be the death of me, or leave me in a puddle on the floor unable to function — I didn’t know. There were just things and experiences that I knew I couldn’t handle. I didn’t know what they were, I just knew they were there.
And, oh damn... the unraveling and the “almost death” and the “in a heap on the floor” have actually all happened to me — and yet, I am still here.
Whether it’s from having actually stared death in the face, or having a mental health breakdown/breakthrough, or learning from experience and age, or the lessons of COVID times, or something else — or all of these things and more — I had an epiphany of sorts last weekend: that I’ve got this.
Whatever may be coming, whatever I do not know at this time, whatever could “take me under”... I don’t need to worry.
I share this not in any way to tempt fate or send negative messages out into the universe (in full love and openness: Universe, more wonderful things for my best and highest good and the best and highest good of all, please and thank you), but in a positive way, such that it empowers and lifts up and lightens and emboldens.
I have made it this far. And, you have made it this far.
I have done and overcome so much. You have also done and overcome so much.
Look at how well I have handled everything I have come up against. So too, look at how well you have handled everything you have come up against.
Why wouldn’t I be able to keep doing so? Why wouldn’t you?
Whether right now, in this very moment, you are faced with something you don’t think you can handle, or there is a lingering worry somewhere in that beautiful head of yours that you too might be faced with something coming that you don’t think you can handle — what I have to say to you is simply this: You got this. You can and will make it through. There is no doubt about that.
I am not saying that there are not going to be hard times or that we aren’t going to be challenged, just that we are stronger, more capable, more adaptable, more resilient, and more powerful than we know.
There have absolutely been times in my life where I thought: there is no way through this or this will be my undoing or I am not strong enough to make it. And, every single time I did. There were times on the floor. Times in a hospital. Times in the depths of pain and anguish. So, too, there were times where I surprised and delighted myself with how damn strong and resilient I was and how well I made it through. But, the thing that remains true is that every time — whether it was crawling on hands and knees or standing strong — I made it through.
I always made it through. And, so have you.
You got this. You always got this.