A Meditation for Fear

I have noticed over the last few days, almost every time I have captured an idea to add to my idea garden for writing, that they revolve around themes of fear and love. Spirit and my higher self have been showing up with messages I need to hear. Messages that are offering some measure of calm. Some peace. Reminders that all is well. I share that this has been showing up for me over and over in so many different ways because that likely means that I’m going to be sharing a lot of messages with you that revolve around these same themes. While I will dive into it more in another post, I truly believe that these messages about fear, love, hope, and resilience are ones that not just I need at this time. Those of us here in the United States are wondering and fearing what is going to happen in the upcoming election. And, from what I have heard from friends and colleagues in other countries, they are also watching and fearing what comes next. With all the fears and uncertainties — around a new season with COVID in the mix, economic instability, protests, the U.S. Supreme Court, natural disasters, the upcoming election, white supremacy culture, policing, and so much more — it is not surprising that many of us find ourselves struggling at times to find the light. I am not a meditation teacher — nor do I think I should be your go-to when it comes to mindfulness or meditation — but what I want to share with you today is what I would call a meditation. It showed up for me this morning as I was in my own meditation practice, and flowed through and with me in a way that was incredibly supportive. I want to offer it to you and give you an idea of how you might want to use it — but, of course, if you are called to use it in a prayer or meditation form that is better for you, please follow guidance from your higher self. Here is the meditation:
I am breathing in peace
I am breathing out fear
I am breathing in light
I am breathing out fear
I am breathing in love
I am breathing out fear
I am safe
I am safe
I am peace
I am light
I am love
I am safe
And, here is how I used this mediation, and how I’ll suggest it to you: 1. Sit quietly and comfortably in a place where you will not be disturbed for five minutes or more (I did this for about 20 minutes). 2. Start with and repeat with your own breath in and out 10 times:
I am breathing in peace
I am breathing out fear
3. Next, repeat with your own breath in and out 10 times:
I am breathing in light
I am breathing out fear
4. Next, repeat with your own breath in and out 10 times:
I am breathing in love
I am breathing out fear
5. Next, repeat with your own breath in and out 10 times:
I am safe
I am safe
6. Lastly, with your own breath and in a way that flows for you, repeat 10 times:
I am peace
I am light
I am love
I am safe
I want to acknowledge that every person reading this is at a different place when it comes to prayer, mindfulness, meditation, rest, solitude, and other resiliency practices. With that in mind, I want to suggest that if five minutes sounds like more than you can handle right now and if this is too much to hold or remember or practice, start with just two minutes of mindful breathing chanting to yourself, “I am safe.” You will be pleasantly surprised by just how much those two minutes can help. And, if 20 minutes is not near enough for you, please also do what helps and restores you. There is not a right or wrong way to do this. Do what works for you and what is supportive and soothing to you at this time. More soon about how we can navigate this time of uncertainty together. So much love to you.