You are worthy. Yes, you. Really. You are already worthy.
Please, take a pause now in this moment and allow those words to wash over you. You are already worthy. Take a deep breath.
Stay here in this moment. Sit with it a little longer. Deep breath. You are already worthy. Another deep breath.
Within all your striving and reaching and pushing lies a person who is already worthy.
On our most recent Monthly Momentum Call, I said to a participant, “You are worthy.” In that moment I realized that not only was that true for her but that it was also true for me. And, it is for you, as well. You are already worthy.
While I know at a soul-deep level that I am already worthy, I lose sight of that more often than I would like to admit.
I feel that I need to prove myself worthy of being on the team, worthy of being in this relationship, worthy of taking this time off, worthy of the good that is coming my way, worthy of someone’s love and affection, worthy of taking up space, worthy of being heard... and the list goes on.
When I notice myself feeling unworthy or believing I need to prove myself in some way, it is a sure sign for me to pause. It means I am looking outward for proof that I am worthy.
While it is nice to get validation from others, that is not where my worthiness comes from. And, in the striving, I often move in a direction that is not in most alignment for me.
Because I am already worthy — and that comes from within — what will lead to the best outcome for myself and all involved is my taking the time to listen to what my wise self has to share with me.
This does not mean that others don’t have much to teach me; they absolutely do. I will forever be learning.
However, when it comes to my worth, that is a solo journey. I already am who I want to be and it’s up to me to remember that and to step forward confidently into the world as that person.
And you, beautiful, worthy soul, I encourage you to stop with the striving and the proving and the grasping. You are already worthy. It’s up to you to remember that.
We’re ready to see you in your full glory, stepping confidently into the world. We want to see you shine!
Are you ready to show yourself in that way?