Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing
096: The Power of Simplicity in Organizations with Ken Segall

096: The Power of Simplicity in Organizations with Ken Segall

Peter Droppers said, the only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction, and malperformance. In a similar vein, it seems that businesses and organizations naturally tilt towards complexity, much to the dismay and frustration of the people and those who interact with them. You can’t beat complexity with more complexity. Ken Segall joins me today to share how leaders have to think simple to counteract complexity in their organizations. Ready? Let’s do this!

Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Learn more about Ken Segall, author of The New York Times bestseller Insanely Simple and the new sequel, Think Simple.

[3:14] What inspired the creation of Think Simple following Insanely Simple?

[6:21] What is it about simplicity that makes it so hard for organizations to stick with or cling to?

[10:23] Why simple solutions or simple creative efforts are typically overlooked.

[15:45] What has surprised Ken about big companies and simplification?

[21:08] Hear about Ken’s experience with writing Think Simple.

[30:03] Ken shares his view on what made Steve Jobs special.

[31:58] The 85% solution for beating complexity. 

[36:51] The one thing Ken wants listeners to remember about him and his body of work.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Ken Segall

Books by Ken Segall

Brian Hartzer, Westpac CEO and Huge Fan of Simplicity

Steve Jobs

Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing (formerly the Creative Giant Show) explores how to do the work that matters to become your best self in the world. Host Charlie Gilkey and occasional co-host Angela Wheeler take listeners on a deep dive into the lives of leaders, changemakers, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are thriving in life and business by doing work that matters. Listen in to see how they cultivate meaning, success, and happiness as well as their approach to productivity, business, health, and the challenges (yes, even the deep, dark ones) that show up in their lives.