All too often, exercise and movement are put in a different bucket of activities than those that count towards being productive. Unfortunately, that’s backwards. Exercise is a foundation for success, so focusing on our health and fitness is one of the most productive things we can do. Mike Goncalves joins me today to talk about the relationship between creativity, confidence, priorities, and exercise. Ready? Let’s do this!
Key Takeaways:
[0:56] Thank you to for sponsoring episode 82 of The Creative Giant Show.
[2:00] Charlie tells us a little bit about Mike Goncalves.
[3:23] Mike believes exercising helps us to become more creative.
[5:25] When you’re at your best, everything else benefits, but we tend to prioritize ourselves last, rather than first.
[7:22] If you want to excel at any part of your life, you have to take up exercise, fitness, and healthy eating.
[9:30] How do we get past that feeling of not wanting to get up and start exercising?
[11:29] What can you do when you have ‘zero’ time for exercise?
[12:41] Email Mike to respond to his challenge. He answers all his emails personally.
[13:37] What 5 exercises can you do in 5 minutes? Try doing each one for a minute and shoot Mike an email to let him know how it felt.
[15:19] How does focusing on your own health and happiness inspire others?
[18:52] Motion Effects Emotion! Studies show over and over again that even a simple 15-20 min walk changes your confidence level and energy.
[20:54] What are some of Mike’s areas for self-improvement and growth?
[22:16] How does Mike work through all the "I have to’s"?
[23:28] What’s Mike’s biggest challenge right now and how is exercise helping him move through it?
[25:38] Mike identifies himself as the ‘fitness guy’ and that helps him do what needs to get done.
[27:45] Exercise is the foundation for success.
[30:26] A study found that one of the top reasons health resolutions don’t last is because we come out of the gate too fast, swinging too aggressively, so it’s not sustainable.
[31:37] Try doing these 5 exercises: jumping jacks, burpees, pushups, abdominal/bicycle, abdominal/plank.
[34:05] You have to focus on where you are and not where you think you should be.
[36:22] The one message Mike wants to leave us with.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Mike’s Email:
Mike Goncalves (@WellnessBucket) on Twitter
Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields
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