If you’ve ever considered being a fine artist or have talked to an artist you know, you’ve probably heard or accepted some variate of ‘the gallery myth’, which is that the goal is to have your art featured in a gallery and then you’re set for life. Buyers will flock to you, critics will appreciate you, and you’ll get to continue to make the art you love. I like stories about unicorns too! Cory Huff joins me for episode 79, to discuss the relationship between commerce and art, as well as the hidden path for artists that lead to real abundance. Ready? Let’s do this!
Key Takeaways:
[1:01] Who is Cory Huff?
[2:18] Cory has been on the show before. Check out Episode 25 on Art, Abundance, and Entrepreneurship with Cory Huff!
[3:06] Cory is “the great corruptor”!! What does capitalism have to do with it?
[8:18] Charlie sums up the 3 important points Cory made about the art world!
[10:24] Cory believes that for some artists Capitalism does inherently corrupt the art making process!
[12:38] Charlie believes that capitalism does influence an artist’s work but he’s pushing against the idea that it corrupts it!
[14:01] What is a huge problem in the art world according to Cory? What is a common challenge that all artist or creators are faced with?
[18:01] What are the traditional paths to an artist’s career?
[22:10] What is the hidden path to long-term longevity in the art world?
[23:45] There is a similar type of disruption across every creative field. What about the disruption in the fine art world?
[27:40] What does Cory see happening in the near future as a result of digitalization?
[30:02] What’s the relationship between the hidden path and social media? How can artists use social media effectively?
[33:43] Instagram just announced they’re introducing an algorithmic feed! What does that mean?
[38:03] What are Cory’s thoughts on the relationship between artists, the hidden path and experts?
[43:55] What’s the ‘not so silver lining’ of not caring what the experts think about your art?
[46:07] Cory shares his final thoughts and how you can reach out to him!
Mentioned in This Episode:
The Abundant Artist on Facebook
How to Sell Your Art Online by Cory Huff
The Abundant Artist Conference
Episode 25: Art, Abundance, and Entrepreneurship with Cory Huff
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