REPLAY: March 27, 2024 Quarterly Planning Session
Determine where you're starting from before charting a course forward
Thanks to everyone who joined our Q2 Planning session! If you missed it or want to revisit it, Pro members can find a link to the recording below, along with session highlights, resources, and details about our upcoming Q2 calls.
We all know quarterly planning is a good thing to do, but in the whirlwind of work, life, and all the random things that interrupt our days, we can forget that. These sessions are an opportunity to slow down and work through the steps of the wayfinding process, which asks these four questions:
Where are we?
Where are we trying to go?
How do we get there?
How do we know we’re on track and adjust when we’re not?
We often struggle with visioning (#2) and planning (#3) because we skip the essential first step — before we can set a goal and chart a course to get there, we first need to determine where we are starting from.
That is why we start each of these sessions with members sharing their wins from the past quarter. We do this not just to witness and celebrate progress but to help members identify their starting points (#1).
A funny thing tends to happen during these victory laps; members often find they and their teams are further along than they had realized, which allows them to better plan for the quarter ahead.
These Quarterly Planning sessions are an exclusive benefit of our Pro Subscription to Better Team Habits.
If you know locking in your quarterly plan will make the difference between achieving your goals this quarter and ending the quarter with your objectives only partially done, upgrade your subscription to Pro to gain access to this recording and future planning sessions.
Session Highlights
[00:00:11] Welcomes, Agenda, and Grounding
[00:10:20] The Four Steps to the Wayfinding Process
[00:14:30 ] Thank You for Sharing — Your Q1 Wins!
[00:37:17] Check in With Past You
[00:41:00] An Overview of the OKP Framework
[00:49:57] Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Middle-In Planning Styles
[00:54:49] OKP Best Practices
[00:58:45] Crafting Your Q2 OKPs
[01:00:18] OKP Q&A
[01:22:19] Closing Thoughts & What's Next
Key Takeaways
Use the "wayfinding" process: know where you are, where you want to go, how to get there, and how to get back on track. And remember not to skip that first step!
What would past you think of all you’ve accomplished? Don't look at the past from the fumbles and failures; instead, look at the receipts you've created for yourself. You're stronger today than you were a quarter ago and a quarter from now, you will be stronger than you are today. (And the same holds true for your team!)
There are three different planning styles, and you may switch between them. There's not one right way to do this — perfection is a route to failure.
Limit yourself to 3 quarterly objectives and choose projects you can complete within the 12-week timeframe. Simplify and subtract to focus on what you can reasonably achieve this quarter.
Having one project that hits multiple key results across objectives is ideal, like "feeding five birds with one piece of bread." Don't think you're doing it wrong — this is a sign you're doing it very right.
Related Resources
Presentation Slides — OKP Overview1
Quarterly Review Worksheet (BTH)2
Brianna Wiest poem read during grounding
Session Transcript4
Session Chat5
Upcoming Events
BTH Office Hours
Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT (Meeting and Zoom details)
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT
March 27, 2024 PF + BTH Q2 Planning Session Presentation Slides - OKP Overview
Quarterly Review Worksheet - Prework
Habit Switcher Worksheet
March 27, 2024 PF + BTH Q2 Planning Session Transcript
March 27, 2024 PF + BTH Q2 Planning Session Chat