Yes, I *Did* Release A Product Last Week
I'll make this one quick.
I was talking to a long-time reader over the weekend, and here's how part of the dialog went:
Charlie: "It was a great week! I created a lot of cool stuff - but the newest thing for me was that I released a product.
Reader: "You released a product? Did you announce it on the blog?"
Charlie: "Er...sort of. It was at the end of last Monday's post."
Reader: "Oh, I didn't see that. You might want to make it more clear to your readers."
Charlie: "Yeah - you'd think I would of thought of that, given that I help people launch products."
Some of you know that I'm trying a new product release model, and what I'm trying not to do is spend a lot of time promoting and marketing products. I want to create some great, affordable stuff that helps people, tell you it's available, and then get back in the workshop to do it all over again. I'll write more about this soon.
Somewhere in the process, though, I completely spaced the fact that many blog readers aren't on my newsletter and they also read the blog through feed readers. None of the banners, newsletter announcements, and tweets about the product made it to the long-time readers and supporters who might actually be interested in the product.
Sadly, the first question I would've asked a client is, "Did you announce the product release on your blog?"
The moral of the story: think about all of the ways your audience reads your content and make sure to send information to the channels they're watching - especially those channels that have the most watchers in the first place.
So, let's try this again: Click here to check out Email Triage, my new product that helps calm email stress and overwhelm. It comes with a guided audio program, an ebook, and a worksheet that has the process in a 3x5 format. You get all of that for $10. Thanks for your interest and support!