Why I'm Scared To Get Into The Habit of Video Blogging
[video width="640" height="480" mp4="https://productiveflourishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/WhyI39mScaredToGetIntoAHabitofVideoBlo.mp4"][/video] [If you're reading this via RSS or email, you might need to click through to watch the video.]
Mark's personal video challenge got me thinking about why I've been scared to get into the habit of video blogging, so I decided to share it with you - in an impromptu video. I haven't done any meta-blogging, -writing, or -sharing this week, so there you go.
Another thing I failed to mention in the video is the grammar mistakes that I make while video blogging. I'm apparently comfortable enough to do it off the cuff, but uncomfortable enough that I misspeak every other sentence.
One last thing: video blogging also brings up the "no one cares" in me before I share the videos. Especially when they're meta-vlogs.
So, watch the video if you'd like to know why I'm scared to get rolling with video. Or came back when I have something more rigorous, clean, edited, and written to share. :p