Today Is Your Turn

How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'. - Martin Luther
A lot of our lives is spent waiting around for our turn.
Waiting for our turn to be taken care of.
Waiting for our turn to take a break and breathe.
Waiting for our turn to have fun.
Waiting for permission to do what would make us come alive.
Waiting for our turn to be seen.
Waiting for our lucky break.
Waiting for our turn to be happy.
All the while, wondering why other people are having their turn, or being envious of the people who somehow got on the happiness bus earlier rather than waiting at the stop.
Mostly, they're having their turn because they stopped waiting for their turn. They figured out that they had to lead the dance with the universe. PRODUCTIVE FLOURISHING So, what can you do today to ...
Take care of yourself?
Take a break and breathe?
Have fun?
Do what would make you come alive?
Speak up and share your gifts?
Make your lucky break?
Do something that would make you happy?
Whether you take some little steps or big leaps, today is your turn just as much as tomorrow will be. Our lives are but a long series of days of choices — we can choose to wait for the bus to stop for us or create our own bus and drive it.
Today is your turn. What will you do with it? (Tweet this.)