Those Who Finish, Win

It was an honor and a blast to be able to present an academy at World Domination Summit (WDS) with Marc and Angel Chernoff, Kendra Wright, and Mike Vardy. We each brought our own special sauce and we were definitely better than the sum of our parts. Marc and Angel discussed their Self-Inquiry Process, which helps people debug and rewrite the negative mind-chatter that keeps them from being successful. Mike discussed boundaries and giving each day a theme — for instance, Thursday is Training Day — that gives people a default that helps them with their planning. And Kendra brought the heat by giving people tools and insights that help them run toward their fear rather than away from it. My talk, as usual, gave strategies that helped people finish their best work, rather than just starting a bunch of stuff or getting caught up in OPP (Other People’s Priorities). Because here’s the thing: those who finish, win. (Tweet this) Last week I noted that Tip #5 for rocking conferences was to have one goal or project in mind to focus your conversations on. My challenge to everyone in the audience was to avoid walking away from WDS with a gazillion new projects and ideas, and to instead pick just one project or goal and focus on getting some momentum on and finishing that project/goal. Why? Because it doesn’t feel good to return to an annual conference or re-meet someone and have the same old “what happened was …” story.
My challenge to you is to not walk away from #WDS2016 with 100 ideas you could do but 1 idea you will do. @CharlieGilkey
— Harmony (@justlikeharmony) August 11, 2016
I’ll be publicly sharing some of the content of the talk soon, but I’d encourage you to do the same thing: pick one project/goal and finish it. If you can get it done this week, get after it. If it’s a monthly-level project, finish it by the end of the month. If it’s a quarterly-level project, chunk it down to monthly projects and starting racking up those milestones. But don’t just talk about it — finish it.