The Blog Gets A Tune-Up!
I've been doing a lot of behind the scenes work here and I'd like to let you know about them. My aim was to make the site more usable, accessible, and clear - this blog has nearly 1,000 pages worth of content and I wanted to help with the overwhelm/frustration of not knowing where to start and having to poke around to find stuff.
The biggest change is the addition of three new pages:
A New Here? page that has a more coherent and useful picture of the different recurring themes of this blog.
A Products page that lists all the different products, programs, and events that you can buy or join.
A Reviews page that aggregates all of my reviews and product recommendations.
I've changed some of the content on the About page - it's now much clearer and more resonant about what this blog is and where it's going. There will be a lot of changes in the second component of the About page, but that's just about me, so it's not that big of a deal.
I'll be reworking my categories, as they're not all that useful as they stand now. They, too, will slim down and help people navigate through the site.
I've been torn for sometime about what to do about book recommendations. As I mentioned in Effective Reading and the Bottom-Line Book Club, I go through a lot of books - most of which are very good. I can't review all of them, and even thinking about cataloging of them is a bit overwhelming. But before I get carried away in figuring out how to do this, are you even interested in book reviews and recommendations?
I'd appreciate it if you'd come take a look around. Do you like the changes?