The Show Must Go On
When the one and only Charlie Gilkey is under the weather, his trusty Ops Coordinator takes the helm. Some of you have seen my name pop up here and there (Jo/Josephine/Octocat), so there’s no better time to hear about me and what I do here at PF than now, right?
I am a reformed business owner who, once upon a time, used Charlie’s consulting services (loved working with him then, too, by the way). I realized that owning a business just wasn’t quite right for me, and now I’m livin’ the dream doing what I love and what I do best: organizing, systems, and project management at Productive Flourishing. Currently, I’m wearing a shirt that reads, “Are you kitten me right meow?” which tells you all you need to know about the unstoppable sense of humor and love of animals I also bring to this team.
Any time you see a blog post, something new on the website, a new worksheet or planner, or a new or improved ANYTHING, chances are I’m orchestrating a behind-the-scenes show to make it happen. I’m basically the stage manager for a really awesome show with some really awesome actors. (Like Hamilton-level show, people. Hamilton. And Charlie is our Lin Manuel Miranda, fo’ sho’.)
When I entered the world of PF this year, I was asked to take on as many of Charlie’s day-to-day, on-the-ground tasks as possible so he could focus on giving us new insights, creating new worksheets and planners, and overall working less IN his business and working more ON it. I thought it might be valuable for you to know about a few things we’ve instituted to help in this matter:
#handslaps -- For when he tries to creep back in and take over a project. These are just gentle reminders that we’ve got it handled. ;)
TechNinja training -- For when he needs to teach me something tech/web/system-related so he no longer has to be the one to do it all. I think I’m at a yellow belt now. (He knows a lot, okay?)
BatSignal -- For when I need him to be around and available for something. I turn it off (/BatSignal) when he’s free to move on to the next thing.
So if you’re thinking, “There’s someone making sure that the guy who’s telling us to do epic shit has the space and time to do his epic shit?” the answer is Yes, there are several of us, and we do it one #handslap at a time.