Review: More Buyers Mastermind
I learned a lot from the More Buyers Mastermind, and I wanted to share what I got out of it. If I got this much out of it, how much will you <em>get</em> out of it?
The More Buyers Mastermind launched about a month ago, and as I mentioned in Let Us Help You Grow Your Business, there were 11 other guest experts who contributed to the program. What I really like about this product is how much I've learned from it.
Let me explain: Dave was the man behind everything for the program, and when the program launched, I wasn't able to listen to everything that everyone else said. I had to take it on faith that it was awesome - but this was easy for me to do, as many of the people who were part of the Mastermind are my friends, collaborators, and partners. I knew they'd be awesome because I talk to them regularly enough.
But, being who I am, I had to go through and listen to see what everyone else was saying because I learn something every time I talk to or hear them. This time was no different, but I wanted to share my key takeaways. My key points are heavily influenced by my experience with these people and their content, so don't be surprised when you get something completely different out of the calls.
Before I talk about each one, though, what struck me was not how different the people are, but how surprisingly similar we are. Each and every call mentions something about personal integrity - everyone's perspective on business was that we are in it to help people or provide solutions to their problems. As cool as it would have been to be the nice guy on the series, I wasn't because everyone was a cool, principled person. I'm even prouder to be included among the bunch.
So, in no particular order, here we go:
Sonia Simone
I've made no secret that I'm a huge fan of Sonia's. She's slowly, quietly, but surely changing the way many people think about relationship marketing, and her characteristic compassion comes through in this call.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
How the farming approach to business building is better than the hunting approach
How to start and maintain healthy relationships with your consumers via autoresponders
Why giving away your best stuff works
Clay Collins
If you've never heard Clay on a call before, what you have to know is that he's a spazz - but he's also a genius when it comes to finding instantly profitable markets. What many people also forget, though, is that Clay's also really good at finding effective ways to take your knowledge and put it to use in a way that helps yourself and other people.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
Why you should think of your online business as a real business
Why you should do something that you'd want to talk about on Oprah
Quick ways to get the expertise out of your head and into a product
Pam Slim
What I love about Pam is her ability to come in with rock-solid business plans and ideas that are tempered by a wholesome compassion and energy. That rang true in spades here, so to write more would just reiterate how much of a fanboy I am.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
The importance of making your goals visible so that you stick with them
How to find opportunities for development and education while working for your current employer without being a sleazebag
Cashflow is king
Chris Garrett
This was my first time hearing Chris; I knew who he was from the Problogger book, but that was the limit of my familiarity with him. After listening to his call, I'm kicking myself for not finding him earlier.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
How to become an authority in a crowded field
The importance of networking while building your blog
How it is possible to be over-exposed
Christine O'Kelly
You know how you go to a movie expected it to be good, but it was great? This was my feeling about Christine's call. I had heard of her before, as well, but she said a lot of things that either resonated with me or that I really needed to hear right now.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
How looking at your time as the foundation for your prices is unhelpful
How to use fears and voids to get you off your butt and making stuff happen
The power of switching "can't" to "won't"
Brian Clark
I've always found Brian to be really interesting. He's at once compassionate, strategic, patient, and impatient, and it was really nice to hear his perspective on the evolution of online commerce through blogging and emerging social media technology.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
Why relationship marketing is more effective than constantly finding new customers
Don't rush into selling or providing something before you know what people want or before they trust you
Why getting it out there is better than getting it perfect
Laura Roeder
Laura has come out of nowhere, it seems, and it was nice to hear her take on Social Media. She has a way of getting you to think about social media spaces in a way that helps you intuitively understand what's going on in them.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
Key ways to visualize the different social media spaces
How to use Facebook for your business without it being weird
How to use Twitter to effectively market products
Michael Martine
Michael and I have run in the same circles for a while, but this was maybe the first or second time that I've run across him doing his thing, not counting Blogworld. I was really impressed with what he had to say, especially about my first takeaway.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
The difference between problogging, business blogging, and gateway blogging
How conversion-oriented design helps you grow your business
Good SEO is written for humans
Mark Silver
While I got a lot out of all the other calls, Mark's was probably the one that was the most resonant with me and helped me see things in a new way. It was also obvious that he's one of the leading candidates for "Nicest Guy On The Internet" award. That's saying a lot given the load of Chris's that he's up against (Garret, Guillebeau, and Brogan.)
My 3 Key Takeaways:
Why trying to get big in a hurry can be counterproductive
Why people trust us enough to buy our stuff
How having your squeak-by number can help keep you calm and clean and help you grow your business
Naomi Dunford
Naomi is another friend that I talk to regularly enough, but she surprised me on this one. Did she actually talk about NLP? Who is this woman, and what did she do with the potty-mouthed marketer we know and love?
My 3 Key Takeaways:
How your homebase is critical for growth - and you can probably get it set up cheaper than you think
Why you need to build a network of people before you need them, and how to do it
Why you don't need as many buyers as you think you do to be able to get by
Chris Guillebeau
I met Chris last year at SxSW and we've kept in contact since. How the guy manages to hop around the world and still keep in touch with thousands of fans and hangers-on like me is beyond me.
My 3 Key Takeaways:
Why it's better to preach to the choir than convert the lost
How to figure out what's unique about you, even though you don't think you're unique
How to get attention from mainstream media
Charlie Gilkey
Since I can't toot my own horn here in my review of the Mastermind, I asked Dave to write down three major things that he personally got out of the call:
Dave's 3 Key Takeaways:
The only 3 business building activities that you need to be focused on
How to defuse stress when you have a dozen "must-do-now" projects pressuring you
The right way to "reset" your frame of mind when you're burned out during the workday
Should You Buy The More Buyers Mastermind?
As I mentioned above, I've learned a lot from many of these people through friendships, partnerships, or just reading their blogs and content for a while, and I learned even more from this call. There's a lot of material covered that comes from paid products, too, so one way to think about this product is that it's the Cliff's notes of the products that all of these experts have launched. That's a lot of value to bring to bear.
I've looked at everything that comes with this program - the interviews, the transcripts, and the fast action workbooks - and there is plenty here to keep you busy. If it were just keeping you busy, though, it wouldn't be worth your money since you're already busy enough.
This product will not grow your business for you. Listening to all of the experts talk about how to grow your business is informative, but they won't help you grow your business. The only thing that's going to do that for you is you.
That said, if you're ready to implement the information here and actually work through the workbooks, the More Buyers Mastermind is absolutely worth it. You're armed with the knowledge and experience of 12 different experts who have taught other people how to be successful. You could easily earn the money back in one month using the techniques you'll learn here.
You get the following with your purchase of the More Buyers Mastermind:
12 information-packed, hour-long interviews with everyone listed above
12 fully-edited transcripts of those calls
12 fast action workbooks that help you implement the information from the calls
12 follow-up group coaching calls with Dave Navarro
And you get all of that for $297. That works out to $24.75 per audio hour - not counting the transcripts, workbooks, or coaching call with Dave. And if you feel it's not worth it, let Dave know - he has a no hassle, money-back guarantee.
If you're interested in this product, purchase it by using the links above or by clicking this link. This is a joint venture, but the only way I'll get any direct revenue from it is if you purchase it using my links. It'll cost the same no matter how you purchase it, and I appreciate you helping me put food on the table and pay my bills. Thank you!