Please Ask the 101 Questions
While on this month's monthly momentum call, Linda had a question that she wanted to ask but thought was too 101 to be worth asking.
I'll tell you the same thing I told her: a) no question is too 101 or basic to be worth asking and b) please ask 101 or basic questions. The richest and best conversations often come from these questions, and, truth be told, most of the things that vex us aren't really complicated or complex.
On days in which I'm on it, I remember to answer the simple and basic questions preemptively, but it's incredibly helpful to be reminded to go over some of it because people may not have heard it before. On something like our calls, you never know what people know and what they don't; people join the calls at different stages of familiarity with what we do here and, besides, it's helpful to hear useful concepts multiple times.
It's helpful to hear useful concepts multiple times.
This goes for any interaction you might ever have with me, whether it's in the comments, in-person, on a call, on a radio show or guest appearance, or whatever. I'd much rather talk about planning, productivity, motivation, creativity, tools for action, and so on - at any level - and have a fruitful, constructive, and interesting conversations than to comment on the weather, sports, and great movies. Honestly.
So: please ask me the 101, basic, and simple questions. I'll speak loosely for other teachers, bloggers, and leaders and ask you to ask it them these questions, too. It's a help to all of us.