Open House At Productive Flourishing
One of the best things about blogs is that they evolve through time. One of the worst things about blogs is that they evolve through time.
That said, I've added some pages that I hope add value to you and make this site more interactive. I wanted to take a second and highlight these changes, as it may not be apparent for those of you who have been reading the RSS Feed but not visiting the site.
I also wanted to highlight this to explain my slower rate of creation and completion of some of the series and planners I'm working on. Rather than trying to do everything at once, I put those projects on pause and finished the makeover of this site.
Here's the new stuff, handily linked in case you'd like to check it out from your reader. I hope you take a few minutes to stop by:
I never really liked my old about page, so this one's been reworked. For once, a quick and clear statement of what this blog is about! I hope you like it.
Rather than having to jump through posts, or keep track of what post is related to which download, I've added this page to keep track of all things having to do with the planners. If I change or create anything planner- or tool-wise, it'll all be changed here at the top so you can grab it quickly.
(Shameless appeal for help: Please "like" the free planner page on StumbleUpon and "tag" it on I'd like to continue to work on these projects and provide them to everyone freely, and the additional traffic from these sources helps me gauge interest and motivates me to work on them a bit more. Thanks a ton!)
I'll go through every couple of weeks and add/arrange the most popular post on PF here. The value-added feature here is that each post will have a quick excerpt to let you know what it's about.
I use a few of the social media services pretty regularly and would love to see what you're liking, digging, tagging, reading, and tweeting. I've added the services I use and my username in case you'd like to share with me. Friend Me!
A Skribit Widget (in the sidebar)
The skribit widget allows you to post and vote on things you'd like me to write about or work on. I currently have a list of five questions, but I really encourage you to use this widget to help motivate me to work on the things you're interested in. I'd much rather be part of a dialog, and I appreciate you all guiding me and expressing your preferences. So, with those projects completed, I can begin anew on some other fallow projects. The highest priority for working projects will be the Productivity Planners, especially the recreation of the Weekly Productivity Planner and the Monthly Productivity Planner. I'll also be picking up the Practicing the Virtues series. If you'd like to see anything else or are just really interested to see anything in particular, drop a comment and let me know.
As always, I appreciate your support. Thanks for helping me add value to the world in my own way.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...