Why I Quit Blogging
I've fallen off of blogging for a long (long) time for primary reason that I spent way too much time in front of the computer and not enough time doing things that I enjoy much more.
Reasons I stopped blogging:
Too much time in front of computer
Not enough time to write about what I wanted to write about
Having a hard time taking myself and my project seriously--why should anybody read what I've been writing?
Focused probably too much on making money from it rather than just enjoying writing
Having far too many things to write about and trying to keep blog focused
Fussy computer software that I spent more time fighting and fussing with than actually writing--never found a good solution that allowed the muse to pour out
Some things have changed here recently that perhaps may change what I do:
I need to focus on writing, which is part of what made me pick up blogging in general. My original goal was just to write something everyday, and I thought that working on that would make is such that I would work on the writing I should be working on. Here lately I've been focusing more on just writing something everyday, and, voila, I'm now more keen on writing.
I've been reading more of Dave Seah's blog. I've thought about responding to some of his posts individually, and I thought, why not just make the post available for everyone?
I've still had a hard time taking myself seriously, and I think, in retrospect, that I was relating taking myself seriously with making money off of the blog. Why should someone read and play for what I'm writing? At this point, I'm not focused on making money (I've already paid for the service, and I don't like using blogspot for some reason; not sure why, but why fight it when I've already paid for the service?). The writing is for me (see point 1 above) and for those that may be interested already. I've changed from writing for everybody to writing for me and people I'm responding to.
I'm thinking of just changing the blog to just be able to write about whatever I feel like. If I can't glue it all together, tough. I'd rather let the muses run than try to keep them corralled in a particular pen with a price tag.
I'm not really fighting with software anymore. I've gotten rather good at using Textmate (broke down and bought it) for rough writing and then dropping the product in whatever end software that's relevant to what I'm doing. Since I can brainstorm better in Textmate, it let's the muses run, and I can focus on polish later.
The meta-change that summarizes all of those is just a change in perspective. Rather than trying to monetize, advertise, and so on, I'm just writing and letting the rest happen. Should things need to change, then so be it. For now, it's write for me and a few others, share with others, and be flexible. Let's see if the rest falls into place.