Make Sure You're Getting Our New Blog Content
We've been using Google Feedburner since the very beginning of Productive Flourishing and I recently decided it was time to move. Yes, this is partially due to Google's funny business with Google Reader, but it's also because we're looking to make it easier to get our content how you like it. We'll be doing some tweaking of our feed appearance and options over the next few weeks and I'm excited about some of the new content we'll be sharing, but, for now, I wanted to make sure to have you check that you're getting blog updates how you want to get them. Because there are so many different ways in which you may have subscribed to get blog updates in the past, the easiest way to make sure you're getting our new stuff is by clicking the link below:
Click this link to make sure you get Productive Flourishing blog updates.
(Why, yes, I did resist embedding flashing arrows pointing to the link or having an animated cartoon of a kitten jumping on it. I deserve ice cream for that manifestation of willpower.) When you click that link, you'll be transferred to a page with all of our current pieces. On the right sidebar you'll see this:

If you click on the button to the far left that looks like an envelope, you'll see this:

As you might surmise, you can get free blog updates via email by putting in your email address. If you highlight one of the other radio buttons, you'll be asked to do some authentication, but then you'll be able to get content delivered straight to your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. Given that we just started using Feedblitz last week, I'm hesitant to recommend it - we haven't crawled through everything and broken something yet. What I can say is that migrating most things was fairly straightforward thus far, but we won't know how many people make the jump from Feedburner with us for a couple of weeks. Stick with us; we've got some good stuff rolling out soon that you won't want to miss.