Lift Off 4 Is Taking Off

It’s crazy that I haven’t posted about Lift Off 4 yet. I thought I had, but it turns out that thinking you did something isn’t the same as actually having done it. How annoying!
In case you haven’t heard about it elsewhere, the Lift Off Retreat is an event for creative entrepreneurs and microbusinesses that Pam Slim and I host twice a year. Since real change only starts during weekend events, we also do four implementation calls where participants celebrate, get counsel, and plot the course for the next quarter.
We talk about Lift Off so much because it’s a significant part of our great work. We’re community-builders and the Lift Off community is nothing short of amazing. We were so excited to share our redesign - done by a Lift Off alum - that gave us a much better way to talk about the community. Check out the alumni page to learn more about the community you could be a part of.
The in-person component of Lift Off 4 starts August 11th and ends August 14th. The timing is intentional, as it's a perfect time to get some plans and mojo before the fall busy season.
Lift Off 3 sold out and people are already grabbing up the seats for Lift Off 4. We’d love for you to join us, too. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and get a business under your business, check out the Lift Off Retreat and register while you can.
Remember, thinking about something isn’t the same as doing it. So go do it! :)