Lifehack: The Importance of a Central Project List
Chris over at Lifehack has a brief article on his morning routine. I've found a similar technique to be especially helpful for the day. I try to get up two hours (yep, two hours) before I absolutely have to be anywhere. Half of the time is spent on either exercise or stretching, and the other half on writing out the major goals I have at the different levels followed by the three-five things that I want to get done for the day. Writing it down (in paper at this point, though I'm considering electronic options) helps the sub-conscious reiterate what's important, and when things pop up, I can ask those important questions:
Is this something that is consistent with my goals? (if no, think about how to get out of it; if yes move to the next question)
Is this something I need to do now? (if no, then schedule for later; if yes, move to the next question)
What on the list has to be rescheduled, and how comfortable am I with that? (unfortunately, this one is not a yes or no--it's more of a "go-with-the-gut-affair)
Starting the day this way has helped me feel much more in control of the day and my projects; on those days in which I'm too lazy to get up, I feel really disoriented and rushed, regardless of whether I actually have all that much going on for that day. If you can't come up with two hours, then at least give 30 minutes a try. It's worth it.