If You Really Want It, It Doesn't Matter What You Do To It
Editor's note: This is a guest post by Ken Robert from Mildly Creative.
If you really want it, it doesn’t matter what you do to it.
It doesn't matter what you call it: your hobby, your work, your mission, your curse. Those are just words, and words can mean different things to different people and different things to you from one day to the next.
But the thing that always stays the same is the thing you really want, the one that doesn’t care how much you deny it or how slick you are in hiding it. It’s still the thing you want.
It doesn’t care if you belittle it, if you spit on it, if you roll your eyes and laugh at it. It will take all the abuse you can dish out and still remain standing.
It doesn’t care if you fail to make it a priority. It will rise to the top again and again and again.
It doesn’t care if you try to calmly let it go. It doesn’t care if you meditate and empty your mind. It will still be there waiting, ready to pop up as soon as you utter your last “ohhhmmm.”
It doesn’t care if you run away, if you sleep all day, or if you bury yourself in some addiction. It will follow you, sleep beside you, and cling to your chest no matter what you do.
And it doesn’t give a damn what anyone else wants. It’s not interested in what others think of it. Its focus is on you and its goal is your attention.
It will not give up. You might, but it won’t.
It’s relentless and, until you acknowledge it, it’s willing to sabotage all your attempts at peace.
Do yourself a favor: surrender. Your resistance is futile.