How I Use The Planners: Dusti Arab
One of the most common questions we get at Productive Flourishing is "How do you use your planners?" Since they are meant to be open-ended, so you can use them in a way that works for you rather than conforming to a specific system which may not fit, it can be intimidating to get started. In order to help, we want to share some of the ways we found to use the planners. Here is an example of one possible way to use the planners from right here at PFHQ!
Who I am: I'm Dusti Arab, a writer, rebel, and mom based out of Forest Grove, OR. What I do: I am a creative professional and entrepreneur. Some of the various hats include Marketing Specialist at Productive Flourishing, owner of a coffee shop, and author of several ebooks. Why I plan: If I don't plan, I'm looking at a world of hurt and some wicked 3rd-order consequences. Having structure around my creative process ensures I'm not constantly subject to the whimsy of my muse who happens to be in a foul mood. My muse can deal according to the plan! (Mostly.) Which I planners use: I use the Weekly Momentum Planner, the Blog Post Planner, and the Daily Momentum Planner. (Spoiler Alert: And I'm anxiously anticipating a revamp of the Quarterly Momentum Planner!) How I use them: I start with the Weekly Momentum Planner to capture all of my projects. I'm great at seeing the big jobs that need done, so I start here by listing anything I'm sure will have multiple steps associated with it. For my personal website, I use the Blog Post Planner. It helps reign me in when I start to go off topic. By having 6 categories, it keeps me just specific enough. By planning out great headlines in advance, it helps me write great posts, every time. If I feel myself getting overwhelmed with projects that are getting wildly out of control, I use the Daily Momentum Planner because it forces me to plan on a realistic time table. The Dailies are like crowd control for my brain.
How do you use the planners? Let us know, and we'll Pin it to our board!
P.S. If you haven't gotten the planners yet, you can snag them here.