Give a Mother a Space of Her Own for Mother's Day
In my last post I ran through a list of Big Days that I've done a horrible job of honoring. One Big Day that's not on the list is Mother's Day. Of course, if we had children, it would be on the list.
I also mentioned getting thoughtful gifts for Big Days. Well, the folks over at SiteBuildIt! have decided that they're going to honor mothers with their first Mother's Day special! Get a second SBI! subscription for just $100 more!
To make the deal even sweeter, SBI! is offering its massive, 258 page Make Your Words Sell e-book for free! This has been selling for $29.95, but now they're just giving it away.
Here's what you'll be getting:
A proven Video Action Guide that teaches you how to build a great site that sells.
In the week I spent following the action guide, I learned more about building effective webpages than I have in about four years of reading about it. The positive changes at this blog are largely due to my applying lessons learned from SBI! to this blog. I can't speak highly enough about it.
Tools that help you pick your domain name, niche, and theme.
The integral tools offered by SBI! supplement the Video Action Guide and help you determine what pages to build. The tools that give a rough indicator of profitability were especially helpful, as it's not at all cool to build a page you're passionate with the intent to monetize it only to find out that it's not likely to be profitable.
Access to a friendly, service-center forum community
SBI! and its customers are a tight knit group. I've seen answers to people's questions show up minutes after the question were posted, people giving extended, follow-up suggestions, and people generally helping each other toward success.
Periodic articles from the SBI! team that keep you informed about important information from the news and blogs across the interwebs.
Ken and his staff do an excellent job of reading and summarizing the important stuff from the interwebs. It's a real time saver.
A Win-Win Deal
Should you get a SBI! subscription and think it's not worth the value, they refund the entire amount of your purchase and give you the domain name and pages you have built. There is nothing to lose.
"Every woman must have..a room of her own" - Virginia Woolf
There are a lot of reasons why a Mom might want her own income generating website. Perhaps she wants to make some extra income while having the flexibility to stay at home. Perhaps she wants something to get lost in when the kids are asleep or away at school. The bottomline is that every woman needs a space of her own, and that's what you'll be giving her with her own SBI! subscription. Click the link for more information on why SBI! works for Work at Home Moms.
But SBI! isn't just for Moms that are still taking care of their children. Maybe Mom is retired but would still like to have her own income generating website. SBI! is so easy to use and good at teaching the fundamentals that, if (older) Mom can type, she can build income generating webpages. Click the link for more information on why SBI! works for Retirees.
But here's the deal: this special is scheduled to end tomorrow, May 11th! You have to move quickly on this one!
Still not sold? What information do you need?:
Do you just have questions about SBI!?
Do I think this is a great product? You bet. I use it and I love it. Check it out, for the Mother in your life.