The Creative Giant Show is Live
At long last, I'm happy to share that our podcast, the Creative Giant Show, is now live and we'll be releasing weekly podcasts for the foreseeable future. It's been a long road to get the Show going. It's something that I've wanted to do since 2010 - before podcasting was a Thing - and we started doing recordings last year. I'll save the full saga about why it's taken so long for another day. The Creative Giant Show isn't a how-to podcast. It's not even a why-to or Big Idea podcast. It's a show that dives behind the scenes about what it takes to live and thrive as a Creative Giant. It shows how established Creative Giants, up-and-comers, and just-getting-started people are facing some of the same challenges you're facing but are really showing up to do their great work. Think you're the only one that's scared to publish your book? Listening to Seth Godin share why he was scared to publish Icarus Deception should change your mind about that. Think that you can't do something because you have a chronic illness or some other physical challenge that the "perfectly able" people don't? Listen to how Steve Errey went from being exhausted walking home from the tube due to having chronic fatigue syndrome to finishing a marathon. Think you spent too much time off track and now can't do what you're here to do? Listen to Pam Slim share how those "side paths" are the essential ingredients for our body of work and what makes us who we are. Think you have to have it all figured out before you can get started? Listen to, well, just about every episode to see that the people you think have it figured out are making it up as they go along - just like you'll need to do. The Creative Giant Show is not the pretty-side stories of success; it shares the ups, downs, and WTFs?! that are part and parcel of the windy road to get there. I want you to see that those ups, downs, and WTFs?! you face are the same ones we're all facing - it's not just you and the fact that you're facing them - rather than running from them - is what makes you amazing. In the upcoming weeks, we'll share episodes with Jonathan Fields, Jeffrey Davis, Tara Sophia Mohr, Glenda Watson-Hyatt, Terry St. Marie, Mark Silver, Susan Piver, Todd Kashdan, Laura Coe, Johnny B Truant, Ali Luke, and ... okay, I'll leave a little to your imagination. It's my great joy to be able to more fully share the great work of some of my friends, influencers, internet-crushes, and newfound compatriots.
Click Here to Subscribe to the Creative Giant Show on iTunes
The Creative Giant Show is also available on Stitcher if you're not in Apple's ecosystem of products or would rather stream the show than download episodes.
Please Share The Creative Giant Show
I need your help on this one. I want every Creative Giant who thinks they're alone or doesn't have what it takes or that everyone else has it all figured out to know that they're not alone, they have what it takes, and we're all figuring it out as we go. You know someone who feels that way - please share this post with them. Click here to share this post with your fellow Creative Giants - thanks!