Changes planned for APPD
There are some major changes that are going to happen to this blog that I'd like to announce:
This blog will be moving to a new domain name and renamed to "Productive Flourishing." There will likely be some hiccups, but I hope you make the switch with me.
Most of the ads will come off of the blog. I instead will have a spot for products and services that I either use or think will add value to your lives.
I'll probably go through two different themes - the first to transition from the one you currently see, and then the final one that I either design and create myself or design and have someone else create.
I've thought long and hard about this, and I'd rather not have to lose what Google rank and familiarity I already have, but I think the move will make me more comfortable with the stuff I write about. The ads coming off are mainly because they slow my blog down, get in the way, and are a distraction to all of us.
I appreciate your continued support.