600 Posts and Still Trucking Along
A conversation with Dusti yesterday prompted me to check our post count. We just crossed 600 posts.
While quantity isn't necessarily something to be excited about - after all, it's easy to post crap - I'm proud of the quality of our content. To be completely transparent, I wasn't feeling this as much until I started compiling my top 10 from the last 100 posts and some of 'em started fighting to be included in there. Celebrating and acknowledging the great work we do is a continual practice for all of us.
Here are my favorite picks of the last 100 posts. (Fair warning: I'm cheating by chunking some into series.)
The Great Connections Lead to Great Ideas Core Conversation. There are so many brilliant writers and thinkers in this month-long series that I won't even begin to start name-dropping. Just read it.
The Reset Series. Our autobiographical posts are rarely my favorite, but I'm proud of this one because a past version of myself had the courage to talk about our personal bout with PTSD and mental illness.
The Hidden Economics of the Mega Launch Strategy. This post highlights the downsides of successive and continual launching.
How to Deal with Copycats and Idea Thieves. Don't mark your territory; go where the air is thinner.
A Few Words on No Goals. Or: why one way isn't the only way.
So Much More Than Damaged Goods. A post about writing a different story about the challenges we've faced.
Focus on the People Keeping Your Lights On. A reminder to love the ones you're with.
An Open Letter to Small Business Owners. We can win in small business but only when we're playing the right game.
Get More Done By Limiting White Space. A counter-intuitive reason why whitespace is so hard to deal with.
A Different Past Would Have Changed You - So What? Rather than focusing on what you might have done and been, focus on what you can and will do.
I also wanted to take a minute and point you to some of our contributor's phenomenal posts:
Nathalie Lussier's Are You Ready To Strip Your Business Down to The Essential Numbers?
Cath Duncan's Getting Some Perspective on Your Epic Losses and Failures
Megan Morris's Your Wheelhouse (In or Out of your Inbox)
Al Pittampalli's Decisions, Decisions - Are You Planning or Stalling?
Ethan Waldman's Building Your Campfire: Three Keys to Gaining Influence Online
Thanks for your continued support and readership. We won't be stopping any time soon and we're still just getting warmed up.